Our services.

We provide administration and management services for apartment complexes and townhouses, developments, or any properties that have areas and utilities in common:
  • Invoicing and collection of levies.
  • Payments of common utilities and insurances.
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant building and unit title legislation.


Professional Body Corporate Management Services

We know all Body Corporate client’s needs are unique and will tailor our service to what you require. We understand that some owners can find these requirements, confusing, unclear, overly procedural and just an all-round hassle.

We understand the laws and intricacies involved in managing a Unit Titled property through the knowledge and experience we have gained during our years in the industry. We listen to our clients and learn so our service gets better. We are able to give clients personal contact with regular information providing clarity and a hassle free, easy to understand service.

We care that the service our clients receive gives them the first class tailored answer they require, thereby providing value for money.